Daphne Barak interviews NSA Gen. HR McMaster

Daphne Barak interviews NSA Gen. HR McMaster

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Daphne Barak exclusive with HR McMaster
Daphne Barak conducts an exclusive interview with National Security Advisor General HR McMaster in Wash DC

Daphne Barak conducts an exclusive sit-down with NSA HR McMaster in Wash DC.

HR McMaster talks about N. Korea, Iran, Brexit and Turkey

HR Mc Master gives a candid interview to Daphne Barak, in an exclusive that spells out foreign policy objectives of the Trump Administration.

The exclusive is published in the leading Daphne Barak print outlets around the world in various languages. In Turkey, it is in SOZCU. Click here for the English – Express, and Asharq Al-Awsat.

Published in Turkish,  in the leading Turkish daily SOZCU


Exclusively printed in Arabic by ASHARQ AL-AWSAT, the leading Saudi daily




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